Website under construction 🚧
Christopher Fiola
by Christopher Fiola
2 min read

Here you will find the development process of this website and what I am trying to make out of it.

Why a website ?

I have decided to create a website for myself as a way to promote what I am doing in sports and gather more attention towards my goals.
For me this website will act as a portfolio of my results and achievements, but also as a window into my odd life.

What is the vision ?

I’m trying to make this into a central hub to me.

  • Social media
  • Life updates
  • Achievements
  • Videos
  • Photos

You land on this website and you have an exclusive view into who I am and what I am doing at the moment.

What ideas are to be implemented here ?

As of April 29th 2022, I am mostly working on adding more content to this website.

- Presentation video

Eventually I would like to have a presentation video on the homepage that will start as soon as the website loads.

- Background scroll video

A big feature I would also like to add is a background image that interacts with the user scrolling. The idea is to have the Centre de Glaces in the background and you move forward on it when scrolling down the page or backwards when scrolling up.

- Updated Font

I am currently researching interesting fonts for this website. I find that the Lora and Source Sans Pro fonts don’t really suit my vision.

- A more interesting theme or custom theme

Currently using so-simple-theme by mmistake. It does the job but I might want something a bit more flashy and interesting. I find that there is a lot of blank space that make the website not as interesting

Adding the website to google. I want people to be able to find it by doing a quick google search.

- Adding a french option

I want to translate the website eventually and prompt the user for their language when they land on the website. Depending on the selection you will be redirected to the french version or the english version.

For this I will need to clone the website in french. Work in progress!

Follow and view the project on my Github!

You can view and access all the files used for this website here on my github.

You will find that I am using 2 different branches to create and build this website.

Master branch

Contains all the jekyll files and everything needed to build the website. All the posts, layouts and theme are adjusted here before being pushed on the gh-branch

gh-pages branch

This page contains the build. The build is done with github actions using a workflow created by James Ives which you can find here. The code for the workflow that I am using basically installs bundler and the jekyll bundle and then creates the build that is pushed to the gh-pages branch.

If you have any questions on how all of this works you can always ask me in the comments section bellow.

If you have any suggestions you can put them in the disqus comments section below!